White Family Dental Stadium Information
Welcome to White Family Dental Stadium
Home of the Elizabethtown Bears
Gates will open at 5:45pm for Friday Night Bears Football game.
Tickets are $5 Adults, $3 for students. Tickets will be sold during the entire event.
The track area is currently under construction and will be off limits to all participants and fans.
Click for all season athletic pass information.
Click to view varsity football game schedule.
Students will not be permitted to re-enter the stadium once they exit.
No balls, bicycles, skateboards, or scooters are permitted in the stadium.
Home Ticket booth and entrance to the field.
Entrance on the home side.
Home side for the Bears fans and band.
The new entrance from East High Street will be open.
At the new entrance there is also a ramp for handicap access.
Away Ticket booth and entrance to the field located on East High Street.
The visiting fan bleachers
The track area is currently under construction and is off limits for athletes and spectators.
The concession stand and bathrooms are located to the right of the home stands.
The new field house is not available because it is still in the final stages of construction.