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Varisty Letter Guidelines

COACHES GUIDELINES FOR EARNING VARSITY SPORT LETTERS/JACKET: When an athlete qualifies for their first varsity letter in a sport he/she will be presented with a sport pin and a bar. If the athlete continues to earn letters they will be presented with a bar for each year in which they letter. When that athlete earns a second varsity letter during or after his/her 10th grade year, he/she will be presented with a varsity letter jacket with an “E” on it. Junior High Sports: No letter awards/bars will be presented.

The following rules govern the awarding of the athletic insignia:

* Each player must attend every practice and game session throughout the season. Plausible excuses will be recognized by the coach if he or she is notified in advanced.

  •  Each player must adhere to all training regulations established by the coach.

  •  Each player must adhere to all training regulations established by the PIAA and the

    scholastic and eligibility standards set forth by EASD.

    If a player is academically ineligible two times during a season or has another Code of Conduct violation, they will not be eligible to receive a letter. If they are ineligible three times they may be removed from the team.

  •  Every player is expected to maintain an attitude of true sportsmanship throughout the season.

  •  Players who are injured during the season may be recommended for a letter by the coach. Back up goalkeepers may get in minimal games but a coach could award a letter as well as late season JV “call ups” in a sport when players are contributing to post season play.

  •  A letter may be awarded to a player/manager who has given conscientious service to the squad for the two-year period of their junior and senior years.

Participation regulations by specific sport:


  • Each player must participate in one-half of the scheduled games

B/G Basketball

  • Each player must participate in 35% of the scheduled varsity quarters


  • Each player must participate in 50% of the scheduled matches


  • Fall-Each member must participate in 90% of varsity football games
  • Winter-Each member must participate in 90% of competitions

Cross Country

  • Must be a member for 3 seasons or place among the top 8 ET runners in at least 2 dual meets or finish in the top 30 at the LL League Championships/Districts or qualify for States

Field Hockey

  • Each player must participate in 50% of the scheduled varsity halves


  • Each player must participate in 50% of the scheduled varsity quarters


  • Each player must participate in 50% of the scheduled matches

B/G Lacrosse

  • Each player must participate in 50% of the schedule varsity halves/quarters. 


  • They must compete in at least 50% of matches. 

B/G Soccer

  • Each player must participate in 50% of the scheduled varsity halves


  • Each player must average 4 points per meet
  • Players qualifying for the District III Championships

B/G Tennis

  • Each player must participate in 50% of the scheduled matches

Track & Field

  • An athlete must earn 15 points during the season or achieve a certain time or distance in an individual event as specified by the varsity coach


  • Each player must wrestle in 50% of the varsity matches

B/G Volleyball

  • Each player must participate in 50% of the regularly played matches